Column with zebra skin (furniture) – Equus quagga

Column with zebra skin (furniture) – Equus quagga

Column with zebra skin (furniture)

We realize columns with different types of skins : zebra, cow, giraffe

Available heights : from 1 meter to 1 meter 80

All those decorative items are realized on measure and upon request.

Zebra – Equus quagga

The zebra is a horse with stripes. That is to say, a mammal of the Equidae family, whose white striped dress is black.

There are 3 main types of zebras.

The most widespread is the common zebra or Burchell’s zebra or plains zebra. This is the one we see on TV, moving in large herds in the plains of central Africa, in search of abundant grass and water points. It has 25 to 30 vertical wide stripes on the body and the belly and horizontal stripes on the rump.

Chapman’s zebra is a subspecies of Burchell’s Zebra, Equus quagga.
Its black stripes are wider and between black stripes appear more gray-brown stripes, less contrast.
It is quite common in captivity in Southeast Asia zoos, and is not threatened with extinction, it reproduces rather well regardless of the climate. In the wild it is found in the savannas of South Africa or Zimbabwe.

Zebras have not yet revealed the secret of their stripes, but we can think that they would have a social role, allowing them to recognize one another, each dress is different. Other assumptions are made, the stripes could serve as camouflage or protect zebras insect bites.

Healthy Zebra can gallop at 65 km/h over several hundred meters. It has a very good view, very good hearing, and knows how to defend to death with clogs or even biting.

It is a delicacy for lions, hyenas and other predators, but are vulnerable in general, young, injured, sick or rather “old” who are paying the price. A zebra lives between 25 and 30 years.

The two other large species of zebras listed from their zebra stripes are mountains, and Grevy’s zebra, both in danger of extinction.
