Lesser Scaup – Aythya affinis

Lesser Scaup – Aythya affinis

Lesser Scaup – Aythya affinis

The lesser scaup is a diving duck, native to North America that migrates in winter in South America and Central America.

Adults they measure 38 to 48 cm in length on average. Adult males have a nuptial plumage with a black head with a small tuft at the top, a black chest, back and wings gray with darker vermiculassions. The primaries are black on the outside and gray-brown on the inside. The underside is white.

Adult females have a white band at the base of the beak, often a lighter region at the ear and are also dark brown all over fading to white on the belly. Males eclipse plumage change little, but they still have a very dark head and chest, a little or no white on the head.

Males have bright yellow irises, while females have orange or yellow and brown immature. Ducklings are very similar to those of related species, the upper parts dark brown and buff underparts, chin, eyebrow and back have spots.

