Wild boar – Shoulder mount/stuffed head – Sus scrofa
Wild boar – Sus scrofa
The wild-boar is the farthest ancestor of pork.
This is a mammal belonging to the order Artiodactyla and more specifically the Suidae family.
The wild boar lives mainly in the woods and forests and where there are many points of water, in Europe, North Africa and Asia. It is present in the mountains, but when it is cold, we rather find it in the plain.
It measures between 110 and 180 cm long and between 60 and 115 cm high. The male weight is between 150 and 160 kg; female is is about 100 kg. It has a large head, small eyes, short legs and slender snout, a tail of medium length and has very developed canines that grow all its life and to protect it against the wolf and brown bear, its main predators. Its ears are erect. The adult boar’s coat is brown, black or gray, while the smaller is red with brown stripes.
It is seen the night and makes a daily nap lasting 14 hours. It runs at speeds up to 70 km/hour. Omnivore, its diet is varied and includes among other molluscs, roots, acorns, berries, insects, birds, earthworms.
The sow gives birth to a litter of 3 to 8 pups after a gestation period lasting 115 days.
Boars living in their territory and did not get away as finding food if lacking. They love the peace and quiet. Adult males live mostly solitary. Young boars are breastfed for almost three months and become independent at the age of six months. However, they remain with their families for nearly two years. The boar can live 10 to 27 years.
The boar is not endangered.