White-bellied Go-away-bird – Corythaixoides leucogaster
White-bellied Go-away Bird – Corythaixoides leucogaster
The white-bellied go-away-bird is a widespread bird of Africa in the turaco family.
Adults have a gray plumage, white under tail and white belly. They wear a long rigid gray crest, a brownish black tip rises from the front. The beak is blackish in males, green peas colored in the female. Legs and feet are black. Juveniles are similar to adults.
They frequent the warm steppes of acacia at low altitude and savannas that have scattered trees. They live from sea level to about 1700 meters.
They are native to Africa and their range is clearly positioned in the Horn of Africa until the eastern plateau of Tanzania, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda. They live in pairs or in small family groups. The trees are their favorite field and they show they are particularly strong and agile. However, they sometimes go ashore when they want to drink or bathe to maintain their plumage.
White-bellied go-away-birds breed from February to July in Somalia and Ethiopia, from February to August in Kenya and Tanzania and in July and August in north-eastern Uganda . The nest is a modest and fragile structure platform shaped built with twigs . It is placed between 3 and 12 meters above the ground, usually in a shaft of Acacia type.
Laying includes 2 or 3 oval and shiny eggs, pale bluish color. Incubation lasts 27 or 28 days and is provided by two parents. Parental care and development of young chicks are not described.
They eat fruits, flowers, seeds , buds of acacias, young green shoots of acacia and twigs.
This species is not globally threatened. Leopards , monkeys and snakes are potential predators, but they do not have a significant impact on broods.