White-headed marmoset – Callithrix geoffroyi
White-headed marmoset – Callithrix geoffroyi
The white-headed marmoset is a primate species of the Callitrichidae family which is endemic to Brazil.
It measures approximately 20 cm long for a tail 29 cm and a weight of 230 to 350 g for males and approximately 200g for the female.
This small primate, with its soft coat, colores its blackish brown fur with gray shades on top and dark brown underneath. Its tail is ringed with dark brown and gray.
They are mainly Gommivore, frutarian and insectivore but they also consume, if the opportunity arises, snails, frogs and lizards.
During sex, the male wraps its tail, a demonstration that is part of the courtship. The female carries babies about 145 days and they will become dependent in the first two weeks and totally autonomous after 2 months.
During sex, the male wraps its tail, a demonstration that is part of the courtship. The female carries babies about 145 days and they will become dependent in the first two weeks and totally autonomous after 2 months.
Life expectancy is 10 to 15 years mainly in captivity.