Cabot’s tragopan – Tragopan caboti
Cabot’ Tragopan – Tragopan Caboti
- Tragopan caboti caboti
- Tragopan caboti Guangxiensis
It has a black head with a yellow-orange wattle lining the eye. A red-orange peak fairly extensive folds on the neck. The underside is buff. The top is red-brown mottled buff. The legs are pale pink.
The Cabot’s lives in the subtropical forest of southern mountains of China, in wooded areas or evergreen broadleaved mixed forests of deciduous and coniferous trees between 600 and 1800 meters.
The undergrowth is frequently covered with shrubs, dwarf bamboo or ferns.
It must be vigilant because it is subject to heavy predation regarding eggs and young. Among the main predators include yellow neck sable, leopard cat and the Eurasian jay. Therefore, the species survival is classified in danger and formally protected.
The breeding season extends from March to June The nest is usually located in a tree, a simple ball-shaped building, is located in the hole wide trunk or base of a horizontal branch. Laying is made up of 2 to 6 eggs whose incubation, performed by the female alone lasts about 28 days. After hatching, the female and the chicks remain in the nest for three days without food. Then the female flies to land followed by youngs and it leads to their feeding territory, remaining with them for the winter.
The species is omnivorous, feeding exclusively in the forest, ferns, roots, herbs, fruits or leaves of trees. It is mainly vegetarian.