White-winged Guan – Penelope albipennis

White-winged Guan – Penelope albipennis

White-winged Guan Penelope albipennis

The white-winged guan belongs to the family of bird Cracidae.

It measures around 70 cm long and looks like a turkey, with its slender neck and small head.

It has dark brown plumage with white primaries. It  has pale speckles on the neck, upper chest high and covered wings. It has extensive orange-red bare throat and a dewlap doublelobe, a blue beak with black tip and the skin around the eye is purple. Its voice is deep, hoarse, especially during the breeding season. It walks like turkeys, recklessly.

This species survives in northwestern Peru. Its habitat has been reduced and fragmented and it is in danger of extinction. Considering that less than 250 individuals in the wild.
